About Us
As a community of disciples, we are called to be distinct communities with values that are derived from the teaching and example of Jesus. The mission of the church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. To be a disciple is to be a “learner”, someone who is learning to follow Jesus. No matter where you are on the journey, you are welcome in the parish.
Worship. Our lives are grounded in worship and prayer. Our services are welcoming, relaxed and reverent. We celebrate communion in contemporary language every week, with occasional services of morning prayer a few times a year.
Community. We are committed to welcoming all people, as Jesus welcomed all people to learn from him. People of different abilities, age, race, sexual orientation, and religious background are welcomed and included in our common life.
Nurture. We value the participation of our children and youth by providing programs for them and providing opportunities for them to participate in worship.
Education. We value learning as part of our discipleship. We offer a vibrant program of Christian Education which includes bible study, quiet days, film series and devotional gatherings.
Food Security and Outreach. We seek to love God by loving and serving our neighbours. We offer community lunches, dinners and gardens, as well as food bank and school lunch program support.